Hi! I am Kili, a sweet and energetic boy looking for a forever family.
Like so many puppies around the world, I was abandoned with my mom and siblings. We not only had to survive in an area with little to no food and water, but we also struggled with sickness and poison. Out of my mom's nine pups, only my sister Fiji and I survived. Thankfully, Luna found us just in time and ensured we got the medical care we needed to recover.
I've grown into a friendly boy with a wiggling butt! I don't just wag my short tail—my whole back end joins in the fun. It's the cutest thing to see, and I can't help it! I love interacting with the other pups and enjoy getting attention from the volunteers and visitors. I would absolutely love to find my very own family to share all the love I have to give. But for now, I wait here at Luna's sanctuary.
Now that you know my background story and where to find me, I hope you'll decide to visit one day and take me home!
P.S. Don't forget to check out the video below of the reunion with my mom and sister after we hadn’t seen each other for days while we were recovering at the vet.